In 2001 a number of people who had been involved in tenant, anti-displacement and affordable housing activism came together to form the San Francisco Community Land Trust Collaborative. The Collaborative was an organizing committee that initially developed a vision of a network of neighborhood-based community land trusts emerging in San Francisco to create affordable, resident-controlled housing. The Collaborative did outreach to community groups and did many presentations, to popularize the community land trust idea.
Eventually the Collaborative decided to initiate a single community land trust, and the S.F. Community Land trust was incorporated in 2003 and became a public charity officially in 2008. Initially SFCLT focused on a proposed piece of legislation that would allow tenants in buildings to buy their apartments as limited equity condominiums with permanent resale restrictions on the prices. Only community land trusts could do these conversions and the apartments would be offered to tenants at a price determined by their ability to pay. This was presented as a progressive alternative to landlord-initiated market condo conversions like the HOPE plan.
After a series of discussions with tenant organizations in 2005, SFCLT modified its program, to advocate conversions of rental buildings to limited equity cooperatives rather than condos. Shortly after this change in orientation, SFCLT began working with the Asian Law Caucus and the tenants at 53 Columbus Avenue, to do a coop conversion of their building. The tenants had been engaged in a seven-year fight against the demolition of their homes. In December, 2005, an agreement was reached with the Community College District to sell the building so as to enable SFCLT to convert it into a limited equity housing cooperative in 2009 for the existing tenants.
SFCLT works democratically. We have several volunteer committees set up to share the work of the land trust:
Policy Committee
In the Policy Committee members come together to organize. It’s here that we identify issues facing our community, brainstorm solutions, and pursue tangible outcomes. To contact this committee, please email info@sfclt.org.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works with Staff, Board, and Members to organize events, conduct outreach to potential members, and over see the logistics of member engagement. To contact this committee, please email info@sfclt.org.
Fundraising Committee
This works takes both people power and financial resources. The Fundraising committee works to create fundraising events and writes grant proposals to seek funding for the organization's work. To contact this committee, please email info@sfclt.org.
SFCLT also has standing committees limited to Board Directors, staff and other contractors:
Projects Committee
The Projects Committee oversees and works on the core mission with regards to real estate acquisitions and development, identifying financial resources and project management. To contact this committee, please email info@sfclt.org.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary who manage the operations of the Board. They also meet separately with the Organizational Director as the Executive Management Team to provide added advice and input relating to general administration.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer, Organizational Director and Bookkeeper. The Finance Committee reviews, creates, prepares and presents reports related to the finances and recommends policies and resolutions to the Board of Directors for action in order for to conduct the business of the organization.

Want to join the SFCLT team?
SFCLT is looking for people guided by the principles of anti-displacement and racial justice, who have experience working with people from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, and a passion for the organization’s mission. View our job listings to learn more.
Saki Bailey
Executive Director
Victoria Beckley
Project Manager
Mayerling Castillo
Program Manager: Co op
Junli Dai
Special Programs: Marketing & Lease Up Manager
Osmaan Dawood
Finance Director
Kristen Nation
Stewardship Director
Erin O'Toole
Development Director
Sarah Scruggs
Program Director
Emily Silagon
Construction Management Director
Francis Silagon
Construction Project Manager
Kyle Smeallie
Policy Director
Kayla Tran
Accounting Manager
Kristen Villalobos
Acquisitions Director
Teresa Wang
Deputy Director
Board of Directors
Resident Member Representatives
Beth Abdallah
Chris Carlsson
Patricia de Larios
Shayna Leibowitz
Kegan Marling
General Member Representatives
Vinita Goyal
Francesca Manning
Vice President
Marquise Mazique
Shelah Moody
Hope Williams
Public Representatives
Preston Kilgore
Zia MacWilliams
Dom Refuerzo
Christopher Renfro
Shanti Singh
Community-Based Consultancy Team
Richard Hurlburt
Broker/Attorney, Impact
Sara Lope
Consultant Project Manager
Steve Suzuki