Kegan Marling is a documentary photographer, videographer, and arts consultant from the San Francisco Bay Area. They have worked in arts management for over 25 years, including positions with the Margaret Jenkins Dance Company (Executive Director), Dancers Group (Program Director), and CounterPulse (Managing Director), as well as consulting for numerous emerging and mid-career artists and arts organizations. Marling was a founding member of Emerging Arts Leaders–SF Bay Area and served on the Isadora Duncan Dance Awards committee, Dance/USA taskforce on emerging arts leaders, Della Davidson Prize committee, and panels for the SF Arts Commission and Djerassi Resident Artist Program.

Their creative work focuses on non-normative queer communities and queer pursuits of play – including drag artists, kinksters, dance/theatre performers, gaymers, pups, and faeries. Their films and photography have been exhibited at the de Young Museum, Frameline Festival, SF Chronicle, SF Weekly, National Queer Arts Festival, GAZE International, Cinema Diverse, Drummer Magazine, and as part of the permanent collection at SF General Hospital.