Our Values

As an organization, SFCLT pursues its mission of stopping displacement and creating affordable homeownership opportunities with shared values that are central to our work.

Systematic & Mindful Workstyles: We are intentional, organized, and reflective about our work and processes, creating space to be thoughtful and strategic about our work, both near and long-term.

Accountability & Responsibility: We operate in work circles that help us clarify tasks, areas of work, and deadlines in order to create goals and deliverables that are both ambitious and realistic.

Communication & Collaboration: We create space to hear each others’ perspectives and concerns, regardless of how different they are from our own, and we communicate our expectations and deadlines to one another in a way that is timely and transparent.

Horizontal Leadership: We value a horizontal organizational structure that centers collaborative decision-making in all aspects of our work.

Work-Life Balance: We believe self-care is a necessary aspect of maintaining a healthy life and work environment, and when we tend to our mental and physical health, we bring our best selves to the work.

Growth Mindset: We promote an internal culture of empathy, growth, learning, and validation, through which we recognize and support each other through work challenges and collectively recognize and celebrate our victories.